2. Kanda-myojin

From “Masakado’s Head Mound (kubi-zuka)” to Kanda-myojin, it is within walking distance. This shrine dedicates to “Daikoku” & Masakado as deity. And famous as strong power for support winning battle or game, good match, protection against evils as well as Masakado’s Kubi-zuka.
Specially Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu paid his respects at this shrine as he prayed the victory prior to departing for the battle of Sekigahara, to win and finally dominated the whole country of Japan.
For the followers of this Kanda-myojin, it is abhorred to visit the Naritasan-Shinsho-ji in Narita.
Access:JR / Subway Ochanomizu 5 minutes walking JR / Subway Akihabara 7 minutes walking